Zobrazených 1993–2016 z 2044 výsledkov


  • Instrumentality and values in sport - Irena Parry Martínková

    Instrumentality and values in sport

    Irena Parry Martínková: Publikace se zabývá rolí instrumentálnosti ve sportu a jejím vlivem na sportovce. Instrumentálnost je definována vztahem: prostředek-cíl, a je diskutována z hlediska logiky sportu. Jsou analyzovány dva druhy instrumentálnosti…

    Irena Parry Martínková
  • Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation - Martin Musálek

    Development of Test Baterries for Diagnostics of Motor Laterality Manifestation

    Martin Musálek: Cílem této knihy je podat informace k lepšímu pochopení fenoménu laterality i jeho diagnostiky. Veškeré informace jsou předkládány s ohledem na validizaci nových diagnostických metod určujících motorické projevy laterality…

    Martin Musálek
  • A History of the Czech Lands - Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma

    A History of the Czech Lands

    Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma: A History Of The Czech Lands podává soustavný výklad naší historie od pravěku až po vstup České republiky do Evropské unie v roce 2004. Kniha sleduje vývoj českého státu a národa, stejně jako menšin žijících na českém území…

    Jaroslav Pánek, Oldřich Tůma
  • Live in Your Garden - Ferdinand Leffler
    Domov, hobby, záhrada

    Live in Your Garden

    Ferdinand Leffler: Are you looking for inspiration for a new garden, or do you want to do something with the one you already have? Or is it that you just want to daydream and let yourself be carried away by beautiful garden scenes?

    Ferdinand Leffler
  • Kierkegaard and Classical Greek Thought

    Kierkegaard and Classical Greek Thought

    One of the best kept secrets among the general reading public is Kierkegaard’s expertise in classical studies, especially in the Greek tradition. While his publications in the fields of philosophy and theology are world-famous, his research in the…

  • AHA - Tomáš Kompaník
    Umenie a kultúra


    Tomáš Kompaník: Raz sa ma v zahraničí opýtali,
    či som hrdý na to, že som Slovák.
    „Áno“, povedal som.
    Potom sa ma opýtali ťažšiu otázku.
    Jednoduchou odpoveďou by mohlo byť, že nemám na výber. No je toho viac. Slovensko nehralo vo…

    Tomáš Kompaník
  • The Choice - Jakub Trpiš
    Sci-fi, fantasy, horory

    The Choice

    Jakub Trpiš: A bestseller that can change your life

    ‘’I dream of a world in flames: nuclear bombs falling on cities, consuming them like cancer; surviving in underground shelters, where we slowly turn into animals. These dreams are so lifelike. I’m afraid…

    Jakub Trpiš
  • Loyal Heart - Pavel Tomcsányi
    Sci-fi, fantasy, horory

    Loyal Heart

    Pavel Tomcsányi: The peaceful Joschol nation is facing the invasion of outlanders who came from the sea. Embark on a great gamebook quest to save them.

    Pavel Tomcsányi
  • Photographing step by step - Marie Němcová
    Počítače a informatika

    Photographing step by step

    Marie Němcová: Do you aspire to take excellent photographs? Knowledge of the fundamentals of photography composition can help you to achieve it. The book is accompanied with 130 illustrative photographs with comments that provide you with an insight to the…

    Marie Němcová
  • The World is small - Svet je malý - Gustáv Murín
    Geografia, cestovanie

    The World is small – Svet je malý

    Gustáv Murín: Poďte na cesty! Pomocou 25 príbehov z 12 krajín prejdeme svetom od Singapúru, cez Indiu, Malajziu, Egypt, Mexiko, Kanadu, Gruzínsko, ale aj Taliansko, Španielsko, Nemecko po USA. Vtipné i poučné príbehy vám priblížia vzdialené krajiny v…

    Gustáv Murín
  • Managerial Integrity - František Hroník
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    Managerial Integrity

    František Hroník: The first edition of the book was written before the collapse of Lehman Brothers’ bank. It is all the more remarkable, then, that is it full of practical examples and guidelines. How can integrity be maintained in these turbulent times, when managers…

    František Hroník
  • Women of the wild garden - Zuzana Vaľovská

    Women of the wild garden

    Zuzana Vaľovská: Book full of exceptional women.
    Many avoid them, another don´t even know about their existence.
    How can disobedience, jeaolusy, affectation, preference to one of the children, prostitution, rules overrun, cheating on husband and murder save a…

    Zuzana Vaľovská
  • Interslavic zonal constructed language: an Introduction for English-speakers - Vojtěch Merunka

    Interslavic zonal constructed language: an Introduction for English-speakers

    Vojtěch Merunka: Interslavic zonal constructed language is an auxiliary language, which looks very similar to real spoken Slavic languages in Central and Eastern Europe and continues the tradition of the Old Church Slavonic language. Interslavic shares grammar and…

    Vojtěch Merunka
  • 66 steps for getting your health 100% - Zoltán Márton
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    66 steps for getting your health 100%

    Zoltán Márton: 66 steps for getting your health 100%
    This is the simple manual for a healty and happier life.

    Being healthier and happier this year does not have to be a drastic change or any kind of detox or cleanse. You must make a small changes at a time wants…

    Zoltan Marton
  • 13 steps for a succesful date - Zoltán Márton
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    13 steps for a succesful date

    Zoltán Márton: A simple manual for a successful date. I wanted to write this book primarily for men, but women will, too, find good advice in it.
    If just one man gets his dream woman thanks to this book, then it’s been worth writing. However, I am sure it will, in…

    Zoltan Marton
  • Prehra - Mark Verin
    Dobrodružné romány


    Mark Verin: Mnohí tušili, iní predpokladali alebo vedeli, že sa k niečomu schyľuje. Na Východe nastal pohyb, ktorý Západ intenzívne sledoval a podporoval. V tomto zaujímavom čase prichádza Guliver na pozvanie Voloďu…

    Mark Verin
  • You are Weird - Oliver Heyn

    You are Weird

    Oliver Heyn: This moving and compelling story, which is based on real events, will touch both your heart and your desires. The extraordinary life of identical twins Ben and Adam; this story will take you through the paths of their life, which are soon headed to the…

    Oliver Heyn
  • Get Talking! - Alena Kuzmová

    Get Talking!

    Alena Kuzmová: “Učebnica je určená pre stredne pokročilých študentov, pre jazykové kurzy aj samoukov. Jej cieľom je rozvíjať schopnosť a chuť komunikovať v anglickom jazyku a odstrániť zábrany pri hovorení.
    Titul zahŕňa rad slovných obratov…

    Alena Kuzmová
  • Ondrej and Zdenka - Zdenka Nererová, Rebecca Jones
    Biografie a texty

    Ondrej and Zdenka

    Zdenka Nererová, Rebecca Jones: This true story of the great Slovak figure skater Ondrej Nepela and equally great Slovak dancer Zdenka Nererová tells of the human condition and the many emotions that go along with it. Two people with enormous talents struggle to perform these…

    Zdenka Nererová, Rebecca Jones
  • Picture in the dark - Lora Slámová

    Picture in the dark

    Lora Slámová: Police is called to the house outside of Prague, on the case of a woman suicide. After the first inspection, it is discovered that it is Klára Markovič, a student love of the police captain Pavel Hradecký. He assigns the case to the lieutenant…

    Lora Slámová
  • Case No. 2801 - Lora Slámová

    Case No. 2801

    Lora Slámová: Mr Albert Brown, accompanied by his friend, travels from America to Prague to visit his stepsister. Chaos erupts when Mr Albert goes to walk his dog and both suddenly vanish. The case is entrusted to Lieutenant George Klamert from the criminal…

    Lora Slámová
  • Training for success - Ivana Miklovič
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    Training for success

    Ivana Miklovič: Why should you own this book?
    Do you lead training sessions?
    Do you sometimes get the feeling that even though you handled the training well, some things could have been different?
    Do you recognize that there must be a way for you to do your job in…

    Ivana Miklovič
  • Sneak peek - M. M. Cabicar
    Humor, satira

    Sneak peek

    M. M. Cabicar: M. M. Cabicar is a phenomenon among writers, a phenomenon whose stories spread with unmatched reach and speed.

    M. M. Cabicar
  • 365 Motivational Quotes - Zoltan Marton

    365 Motivational Quotes

    Zoltan Marton: How to stop negative thoughts, fear, stress?

    Read a quote every morning to start your day with positivity. That’s why I decided to collect 365 extraordinary quotes and sayings. Positive thinking means positive action, which can accumulate and…

    Zoltan Marton