Saga Egmont
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Applied Psychology (EN)
Warren Hilton: Applied Psychology, Psychology and Achievement is the First of a Series of Twelve Volumes on the Applications of Psychology to the Problems of Personal and Business Efficiency. Within Applied Psychology, Psychology and Achievement Hilton addresses the fa
As A Man Thinketh (EN)
James Allen: James Allen’s most famous book, As a Man Thinketh, was originally published in 1902. It is now considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. Allen’s
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Brainstorming (EN)
Alex Faikney Osborn: Tap Directly Into Your Creative Mind. And Easily Access YOUR Million-Dollar Ideas. Ideas are the lifeblood of success. and the best ideas originate with brainstorming.
Character – Building Thought Power (EN)
Ralph Waldo Trine: Unconsciously, we are forming habits every moment of our lives. Some are habits of a desirable nature; some are those of a most undesirable nature. Some, though not so bad in themselves, are exceedingly bad in their cumulative effects, and cause us at t
How to Live on 24 Hours a Day (EN)
Arnold Bennett: With the advent of the modern corporate workplace in the twenty-first century, more and more people are toiling away behind desks, wearily clocking the standard forty-hour week. By 1910, writer Arnold Bennett had observed a worrying trend of exhausted wa
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How to Study – A Psychology Of Study (EN)
Harry Kitson: A Guide to enable you to study better – used by thousands of students since the early 20th Century.
Hypnotism and Self Practice (EN)
Ralph Slater: HYPNOTISM is by no means a new art. True, it has been developed into a science in comparatively recent years. But the principles of thought control have been used for thousands of years in India, ancient Egypt, among the Persians, Chinese and in many ot
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Mastery Of Self (EN)
Frank Channing Haddock: This audio version of the book explains the importance of personal magnetism in your daily life as a crucial ingredient for you path to personal success. Channing Haddock lays out a clear path on how to use it in your daily life and how to cultivate his
Poise – How To Attain It (EN)
D. Stark: Poise is a power derived from the Mastery of Self from the PREFACE: All efforts directed toward the correcting of temperamental or mental blemishes or defects and nervous conditions are of benefit to humanity. In producing this book the Author’s purpose
Power Through Repose (EN)
Annie Payson Call: Discover the hidden power through repose. This is probably the only book that dissects the hidden power of rest the power that is inherent in everyone the power that only a few thought exists! Common sense is dramatic ally challenged in this book. The a
Practical Mental Influence (EN)
William W Atkinson: The secret of Mental Concentration lies in the control of the Attention. And the control of the Attention lies in the exercise of the Will. William Walker Atkinson, Practical Mental Influence A classic book by prolific New Thought writer William Walker
Secret of Dreams (EN)
Yacki Raizizun: Everybody dreams, but there are few who place any importance to the phenomena of sleep. Before we can begin to comprehend or even analyze dreams, whether our dreams are symbolic or otherwise, we must first divert from our mind our materialistic conceptio
Self Development And The Way to Power (EN)
L. W. Rogers: It is the natural right of every human being to be happy to escape all the miseries of life. Happiness is the normal condition, as natural as the landscapes and the seasons. It is unnatural to suffer and it is only because of our ignorance that we do su
Supreme Personality (EN)
Dr. Delmer Eugene Croft: “Personality is founded upon selfconsciousness, with selfgoverned intelligence and selfdirected action. ” The purpose of this Course of Lessons is to kill Doubt, Fear, and Worry, Cure the habit of growing old, develop your limitless Psychic, Mental and Bo
The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism (EN)
Theron Q. Dumont: Do you have a personality that attracts or repels people? Do you ever wonder why some people who are far less physicallyattractive than you get swarmed by members of the opposite sex while you are not? Can you attract wealth, power and fame with a super p
The Art of Money Getting (EN)
P. T. Barnum: In the United States, where we have more land than people, it is not at all difficult for persons in good health to make money. In this comparatively new field there are so many avenues of success open, so many vocations which are not crowded, that any p
The Creative Process In The Individual (EN)
Warren Hilton: Without creative powers mankind would still be living in caves, without any new ideas or advancement, so it is important to understand and harness this power. This audio book will teach you how.
The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (EN)
Thomas Troward: The early “New Age” philosophy of New Thought, which was wildly popular at the turn of the 20th century, owes much of its emphasis on the concept of “mind over matter” to the works of Thomas Troward. THIS book contains the substance of a course of lectur
The Law and The Word (EN)
Thomas Troward: Written in 1917. A hardtofind work by pioneer in Mental Science, Judge Thomas Troward. Troward’s writings and lectures greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science and writer of The Science of Mind. This book was one of the first
The Master Key System (EN)
Charles F. Haanel: The Master Key System by Charles F. Haanel is the only clear, concise, comprehensive, definitive, distinctive, cogent, and scientific presentation of the Creative Power of Thought ever formulated by any one person at any one time. The Master Key System
The Path Of Prosperity (EN)
James Allen: From the celebrated author of ‘As A Man Thinketh’ this is another of Allen’s life shaping books in audio format. ‘The Path To Prosperity’ will teach you the secret of ‘Health and Success’, How to discover and direct your ‘Personal Force
The Science Of Getting Rich (EN)
Wallace D Wattles: The Science of Getting Rich was written by Wallace D. Wattles and published in 1910 by the Elizabeth Towne Company. The book is still in print after 100 years. It was a major inspiration for Rhonda Byrne’s bestselling book and film ‘The Secret’.
The Secret Door (EN)
Florence Scovel Shinn: Are you ready to embrace universal law and live a natural life? If there is one overall message to this book, it is that we must avoid being overwhelmed by life, to realise that there is something larger than us which is willing to shoulder the burdens.
The Vital Law Of Life: True Greatness, Power and Happiness (EN)
Ralph Waldo Trine: Before “New Age” there was “New Thought,” a philosophy that sought God through metaphysics and was very popular in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. This is the book that started it all.