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Thomas Troward

  • The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (EN) - Thomas Troward

    The Edinburgh Lectures on Mental Science (EN)

    Thomas Troward: The early “New Age” philosophy of New Thought, which was wildly popular at the turn of the 20th century, owes much of its emphasis on the concept of “mind over matter” to the works of Thomas Troward. THIS book contains the substance of a course of lectur

    Thomas Troward
  • The Law and The Word (EN) - Thomas Troward

    The Law and The Word (EN)

    Thomas Troward: Written in 1917. A hardtofind work by pioneer in Mental Science, Judge Thomas Troward. Troward’s writings and lectures greatly influenced Ernest Holmes, the founder of Religious Science and writer of The Science of Mind. This book was one of the first

    Thomas Troward