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James Allen

  • Michael Schumacher: Cesta na vrchol - James Allen
    Biografie a texty

    Michael Schumacher: Cesta na vrchol

    James Allen: Michael Schumacher nepochybne patrí medzi najlepších jazdcov v histórii Formuly 1. Vo svojom ikonickom červenom Ferrari dominoval pretekárskym okruhom aj srdciam miliónov fanúšikov po celom svete…

    James Allen
  • Od chudoby k moci - James Allen
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    Od chudoby k moci

    James Allen : James Allen – filozof a básník (1864 – 1912) byl docela tajemná historická postava. Kdo byl tento muž, který věřil, že síla myšlenky přináší slávu a štěstí? Britský spisovatel byl tichý, neuznaný génius…

    James Allen
  • As A Man Thinketh (EN) - James Allen

    As A Man Thinketh (EN)

    James Allen: James Allen’s most famous book, As a Man Thinketh, was originally published in 1902. It is now considered a classic self-help book. Its underlying premise is that noble thoughts make a noble person, while lowly thoughts make a miserable person. Allen’s

    James Allen
  • The Path Of Prosperity (EN) - James Allen

    The Path Of Prosperity (EN)

    James Allen: From the celebrated author of ‘As A Man Thinketh’ this is another of Allen’s life shaping books in audio format. ‘The Path To Prosperity’ will teach you the secret of ‘Health and Success’, How to discover and direct your ‘Personal Force

    James Allen
  • The Way Of Peace (EN) - James Allen

    The Way Of Peace (EN)

    James Allen: The Way of Peace is a New Thought book written by James Allen. Although Allen is more widely known for his As a Man Thinketh, it is the lesser known The Way of Peace (1907) which reflects more accurately his New Thought Movement affiliations, referencing

    James Allen