Zobrazených 1441–1464 z 1603 výsledkov


  • The New Testament 5 - Acts (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 5 – Acts (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The genre of the book of Acts is Narrative History with several Sermons. Luke, the author of the Gospel of Luke, was a doctor and Gentile. He wrote this book circa 60-62 A. D. It is Luke’s sequel to the Gospel of Luke. It is titled “Acts” to emphasi

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 30 - Amos (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 30 – Amos (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The purpose of the book of Amos was to announce God’s holy judgment on the Kingdom of Israel (the Northern Kingdom), call them to repentance, and to turn from their self-righteous sins and idolatry. God raised up the prophet Amos, as an act of His grea

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 13 - Chronicles 1 (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 13 – Chronicles 1 (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the “words of the days”, yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the t

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 14 - Chronicles 2 (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 14 – Chronicles 2 (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The books of Chronicles were originally one book, as in the case of Samuel and Kings. The Hebrew title is translated the “words of the days”, yet the word Chronicles is mainly adopted by a theologian named Jerome who thought that they ought to bear the t

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 12 - Colossians (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 12 – Colossians (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Colossians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it circa 60-62 A. D. The key personalities include Paul, Timothy, Tychicus, Onesimus, Aristarchus, Mark, and Epaphras. It was written to counter and respond to here

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 7 - Corinthians 1 (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 7 – Corinthians 1 (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of 1st Corinthians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). The Apostle Paul wrote it about 56 A. D. The key personalities of this book are the Apostle Paul, Timothy and also Chloe’s household. Paul’s purpose in writing this letter to the

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 27 - Daniel (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 27 – Daniel (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The genre of the book of Daniel is Narrative History, Prophetic Oracle, and it includes Apocalyptic material. The prophet Daniel wrote it around 530 B. C. and his writings records the events of the Babylonian captivity in 560-536 B. C. to which Daniel

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 5 - Deuteronomy (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 5 – Deuteronomy (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The Book of Deuteronomy begins in the final, fortieth year of Israel’s wandering in the desert. Stationed east of the Jordan River, Moses addresses the new generation of Israelites in preparation for entering the promised land. He summarizes the event

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 21 - Ecclesiates (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 21 – Ecclesiates (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Ecclesiastes contains Proverbs, maxims, sayings, and is largely an autobiographical story. Solomon wrote it late in his life, approximately 935 B. C. He had become aware of the mistakes that he made throughout his life and began to document

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 10 - Ephesians (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 10 – Ephesians (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Ephesians is a Prison Epistle (letter written while in prison). Paul wrote it about 60-62 A. D. The key personalities of Ephesians are the Apostle Paul and Tychicus. It was written to encourage believers to walk as fruitful followers of Chr

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 17 - Esther (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 17 – Esther (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The genre of the book of Esther is Narrative History. Its author is anonymous however; some believe Mordecai, (Esther’s cousin and guardian), wrote it. It was written approximately 470 B. C. in Persia. Esther became queen in 479 B. C. The key perso

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 2 - Exodus (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 2 – Exodus (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The Book of Exodus begins more than four hundred years after Joseph, his brothers, and the Pharaoh he once served have all died. The new leadership in Egypt—feeling threatened by Jacob’s descendants, who have increased greatly in size—embarks on a

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 26 - Ezekiel (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 26 – Ezekiel (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Ezekiel is Narrative History, Prophetic and Apocalyptic in genre and even contains Parables. The prophet Ezekiel wrote it approximately 571 B. C. (this date is accurately precise because this book contains more defined dates than any other b

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 15 - Ezra (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 15 – Ezra (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: Ezra is a book of Narrative History and Genealogies. It was written by Ezra at approximately 440 B. C. and records events up to 450 B. C. Key personalities include Cyrus, Ezra, Haggai, Zechariah, Darius I, Artaxerxes I, and Zerubbabel. Ezra’s purpos

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 9 - Galatians (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 9 – Galatians (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Galatians is a Pauline Epistle (letter from Paul). It was written by the Apostle Paul about 49 A. D. prior to the Jerusalem Council which had taken place in 50 A. D. This quite possibly could have been Paul’s first letter. The key person

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 1 - Genesis (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 1 – Genesis (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The Book of Genesis opens the Hebrew Bible with the story of creation. God, a spirit hovering over an empty, watery void, creates the world by speaking into the darkness and calling into being light, sky, land, vegetation, and living creatures over the c

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 35 - Habakkuk (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 35 – Habakkuk (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Habakkuk is Narrative History and displays Prophetic Oracle. Habakkuk wrote it approximately 612-589 B. C. just before the fall of Judah in the Southern Kingdom. Key personalities are Habakkuk and the Babylonians. As is true of the many ot

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 37 - Haggai (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 37 – Haggai (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Haggai is Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. The prophet Haggai wrote it approximately 520 B. C. Haggai is among the most carefully and precisely dated books in the entire Bible. It is a post-exilic book, meaning it was written after (

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 19 - Hebrews (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 19 – Hebrews (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Hebrews is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). It was written mainly to the Hebrew believers. The author is anonymous, although either Paul or Barnabas was traditionally accepted as the author. It was written approximately 67 A. D. Its p

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 28 - Hosea (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 28 – Hosea (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Hosea is a Narrative History and Prophetic Oracle. Hosea is the first book in the sections of Minor Prophets. They are called Minor Prophets not because their material is less important or insignificant, but because of the size of the book t

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 23 - Isaiah (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 23 – Isaiah (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Isaiah is Narrative History, Prophetic Oracle, and even a Parable (chapter 5). The prophet Isaiah wrote it at approximately 700 B. C. (Chapters 40-66, written later in his life approx. 681 B. C. ). Isaiah is the first book in the section c

    Christopher Glyn
  • The New Testament 20 - James (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The New Testament 20 – James (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of James is a General Epistle (Apostolic Letter). James the half-brother of Jesus wrote it approximately 48-49 A. D. It was likely the first New Testament book (letter) to be written. The key personalities of this book are James and Persecuted

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 24 - Jeremiah (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 24 – Jeremiah (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Jeremiah is Prophetic Oracle and Narrative History, although not completely in chronological order. The prophet Jeremiah wrote it sometime during his ministry about 626-586 B. C. Key personalities are the many kings Judah, Baruch, Ebdemelech

    Christopher Glyn
  • The Old Testament 18 - Job (EN) - Christopher Glyn

    The Old Testament 18 – Job (EN)

    Christopher Glyn: The book of Job is Narrative History. Its author is unknown yet it is possible that Job himself wrote it. It is possible that Job is the oldest of any book of the Bible written approximately 2100-1800 B. C. Key personalities of this book include Job, E

    Christopher Glyn