Dokonalá tma
Helen Fieldsová: Audiokniha Dokonalá tma, kterou napsala Helen Fieldsová, je šestý případ Luca Callanacha a Avy Turnerové. Člověk jako kus masa. Inspektor Luc Callanach se vydává do Francie, aby s Interpolem rozkryl síť obchodníků s bílým masem.
Umenie a kultúra
Slavíci (Kronika československé populární hudby)
Jiří Šlitr,Jiří Suchý,Martin Hrdinka,Alan Piskač,Denisa Štěpánková,Karel Kopecký,Jindřich Faktor,Jiří Štaidl,Artie Glenn,Jaromír Klempíř,Ivo Plicka,Petr Novák,Karel Svoboda,Bohuslav Ondráček,Zdeněk Rytíř,Petr Janda,Jiří Grossmann,Adriano Celentano,Luciano: Audiokniha Slavíci (Kronika československé populární hudby) je audiokniha s písničkami. Je neuvěřitelné, jakou sondu do našeho života přinášejí výsledky ankety Zlatý, později Český slavík. Mapujeme šedesátiletou historii této …
Ako nakŕmiť diktátora
Witold Szabłowski: Audiokniha Ako nakŕmiť diktátora, ktorú napísal Witold Szabłowski. Hovorí sa, že láska ide cez žalúdok. A možno niečo podobné platí aj o dejinách. Všetci predsa jeme. Niekoľkokrát denne. Bežní ľudia. Prezidenti. Aj diktátori.
Klikař Beny
Simona Bohatá: Audiokniha Klikař Beny, autorkou je Simona Bohatá. Prahou obchází strašidlo reálného socialismu. Jenže někomu jsou jeho pakárny buřt. V 80. letech byla svoboda daleko víc než poznaná nutnost, a proto pár jedinců z okraje společnosti utvo
Arpád Soltész: Audiokniha Mäso, ktorú napísal Arpád Soltész. Koniec zlatých deväťdesiatych rokov, divoký východ Slovenska. Je po voľbách, Mečiar skončil, Lexa je na úteku, siskári horúčkovito skartujú spisy aj svedkov. Robo Holub je dávno po smrti, M
Marco Polo – Lev Benátský
Mirek Elpl: Audiokniha Marco Polo – Lev Benátský, kterou napsal Mirek Elpl. Marco, zocelený 25 letým pobytem v Asii, nyní stojí na přídi své galery a vrací se domů. S větrem ve vlasech a hrdostí vojáka a guvernéra části veliké a bohaté asijské p
Noční brána
Peter May: Audiokniha Noční brána, kterou napsal Peter May. Je Mona Lisa společným jmenovatelem vražd, které od sebe dělí více než sedmdesát let? Smrti chladnokrevně zavražděného pařížského obchodníka s uměním v ospalé francouzské vísce na
Válka na Ukrajině: kontext
Petr Holý: Ti, kteří neznají historii, jsou odsouzeni ji opakovat. Nechte se uvést do kontextu a pochopíte příčiny i východiska aktuální ruské invaze na Ukrajinu. Zaskočilo vás ruské válečné tažení na Ukrajinu? Chcete uvést do kontextu, ale nem
Kapky rosy
Marie Vosiková: Audiokniha Kapky rosy, kterou napsala Marie Vosiková. Kapky rosy – bajky a alegorické příběhy Knížku tvoří sedmadvacet krátkých próz spojujících v sobě prvky pohádky, bajky a povídky, jsou alegorií na lidský život. Lidi zastupuje pří
500 Quotes of Lao Tsu for Meditation (EN)
Lao Tzu: Lao Tsu, also known as Lao Tzu or Laozi, is an ancient Chinese philosopher and sage, and an absolutely central figure in Asiatic culture. He is known as the author of the Tao Te Ching or Daodejing and the founder of Taoism. In traditional China, Taoism is
The Art of War (EN)
Sun Tzu: The Art of War, by the Chinese military strategist Sun Tzu, was written in 5th century BC and remains one of the most influential strategy treatises of all time. It was held as the most important military treatise for 1500 years, and has now a pervasive i
The Flying Trunk (EN)
Hans Christian Andersen: The Flying Trunk is a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen. A young man squanders his inheritance until he has almost nothing left. A friend sends him a trunk with directions to pack up and be off. Having nothing to pack, he gets into the trunk himself,
The Brave Tin Soldier, a Fairy Tale (EN)
Hans Christian Andersen: The brave tin soldier also called “The Steadfast Tin Soldier” is a literary fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen about a tin soldier’s love for a paper ballerina. On his birthday, a boy receives a set of 25 toy soldiers all cast from one old tin spoon an
400 Quotes of Modern Philosophy: Nietzsche, Kant, Kierkegaard & Schopenhauer (EN)
Arthur Schopenhauer,Søren Kierkegaard,Immanuel Kant,Friedrich Nietzsche: Become familiar with the most important modern philosophers, Friedrich Nietzsche, Emmanuel Kant, Soren Kierkegaard and Arthur Schopenhauer. These four figures have shaped the entirety of Western philosophy; delve deep into their works and thoughts with a
5 Famous English Historical Figures (EN)
James Gardner: Five famous English historical figures, five controversial characters of almost legendary proportions, that have to be well-known and understood if one is interested in knowing about the English spirit and history. Sir Francis Drake was a sea captain and
5 Great Kings of France (EN)
J. M. Gardner: This collection of audiobooks will help you understand a crucial part of the history of French monarchy. For each King, you will find a detailed description of the style of his reign and his political achievements, narrated in a lively way. Portraits of H
60 Greatest Poems (EN)
Paul Verlaine,Arthur Rimbaud,Charles Baudelaire: Here are 60 of the greatest poems of all time : the art of three major French authors, Baudelaire, Victor Hugo, Paul Verlaine, translated into English with perfect accuracy and elegance, and carefully selected excerpts of Japanese poetry, for a world-enco
600 Quotes of Ancient Philosophy: Confucius, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, Plato, Socrates, Aristotle (EN)
– Plato,Marcus Aurelius, Epictetus, Confucius: Become familiar with the most important ancient philosophers, those who shaped Western philosophy. Delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work
7 Myths of Greece and Rome : Midas, Orpheus, Pandora, Cadmus, Atalanta, Pyramus & Thisbe, Philemon & Baucis (EN)
J. M. Gardner: For ages, the ancient myths of Greece and Rome have delighted and inspired the people of the world. Great legendary heroes and mysterious gods come together in those charming stories, which will unleash imagination and all the pleasures we owe the ancient
Stories from All over the World (EN)
J. M. Gardner: 12 stories from all over the world : Lovely Ilonka, Lucky Luck, The Hairy Man, Little Wildrose, Paperarelloo, The Gifts of the Magician, The Strong Prince, The Crab and the Monkey, The Cottager and his Cat, The Stone-Cutter, How The Wicked Tanuki Was Puni
T.S. Eliot Reading Poems (EN)
T. S. Eliot: A selection of poems and choruses read by T.S. Eliot himself, recorded in 1959. – -.
Tales for Tiny Tots (EN)
James Gardner: These Tales for Tiny Tots are ageless and varied very short stories, aimed at those who are just nascent at reading, to provide them with delight and inch them towards a broader understanding of the world. Each tale contains a wise moral brought forth by
Tales of Robin Hood (EN)
James Gardner: The legend of the famous hero Robin Hood originates in dramatic pieces and ballads from the 15th century in England. His story has been given shape and retold through the centuries, and is still universally known to children nowadays. The Tales of Robin H
The Adventures of a Jackal (EN)
J. M. Gardner: The Adventures of a Jackal is a classic children’s short story : ” In a country which is full of wild beasts of all sorts there once lived a jackal and a hedgehog, and, unlike though they were, the two animals made great friends, and were often seen in ea