Zobrazených 193–216 z 1551 výsledkov


  • The Enchanted Horse, a 1001 Nights Fairy Tale (EN) - The Arabian Nights

    The Enchanted Horse, a 1001 Nights Fairy Tale (EN)

    The Arabian Nights: ” The enchanted horse ” is a story that belongs to the Thousand and One Nights. “Once upon a time, there lived a Sultan in the land of Persia, who had two beautiful children who grew up to be the Prince and Princess of Persia. One day during a celebration

    The Arabian Nights
  • The German lieutenant and other stories (EN) - August Strindberg

    The German lieutenant and other stories (EN)

    August Strindberg: August Strindberg belongs to the same generation of authors as the Russian Chekhov and the Norwegian Ibsen. Strindberg stands at the crossroads of such decisive influences as those of Schopenhauer, Nietzsche, Kierkegaard, Schiller, Zola, Byron, or Freud’s

    August Strindberg
  • The Golden Oldies Guesthouse (EN) - Dee MacDonald

    The Golden Oldies Guesthouse (EN)

    Dee MacDonald: Audiobook The Golden Oldies Guesthouse written by Dee MacDonald. ‘I ended up reading until the wee small hours of the morning. Certainly took me on an emotional rollercoaster ride with all the ups and downs, the happiness and sadness, the laughs and the

    Dee MacDonald
  • Gossip Girl: Tak se mi to líbí - Cecily Von Ziegesarová

    Gossip Girl: Tak se mi to líbí

    Cecily Von Ziegesarová: Audiokniha Gossip Girl: Tak se mi to líbí, kterou napsala Cecily Von Ziegesarová. Blíží se poslední jarní prázdniny a Super drbna u toho nemůže chybět! Týdenní volno přichází právě včas – pro Blair znamenají jarní prázdniny vytou

    Cecily Von Ziegesarová
  • Zamilovaný duch - Barbara Cartlandová

    Zamilovaný duch

    Barbara Cartlandová: Měla být neviditelná, ale musí vyjít ze své skrýše, aby zabránila spiknutí. Mladičká lady Demelza Langstonová žije po smrti rodičů jen se svým bratrem Gerardem v chátrajícím sídle nedaleko Ascotu. Město se připravuje na pravidelný

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Milenci v Londýně - Barbara Cartlandová

    Milenci v Londýně

    Barbara Cartlandová: Prostá dívka se stane nečekanou figurkou v milostných pletkách šlechticů. Nezkušená Lanthia Grenvillová si užívá projížděk po lesích a sní si přitom příběhy, které zná z knih svého otce, dříve velkého cestovatele. Nezažila př

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Falešná nevěsta - Barbara Cartlandová

    Falešná nevěsta

    Barbara Cartlandová: Co když před oltářem řeknete své „ano” někomu jinému. Mladá Venetia Baydonová zůstává po smrti rodičů opuštěná. Má sice urozený původ, ale téměř žádný majetek, a naděje na to, že se dobře provdá, jsou mizivé. Po zkušenos

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Nezkrotná Lorinda - Barbara Cartlandová

    Nezkrotná Lorinda

    Barbara Cartlandová: Hranice mezi nenávistí a láskou je velmi tenká. Lorinda Cambornová je nejen oslnivě krásná, ale také drzá a trochu namyšlená. Pohrdá muži a odmítá všechny nabídky k sňatku. Mladý Durstan Hayle je jejím výstředním chováním vylože

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Lhostejný poručník - Barbara Cartlandová

    Lhostejný poručník

    Barbara Cartlandová: Drzá mladá dědička bere svou buducnost do vlastních rukou. Osmnáctiletá Petrina je sirotek, ale zároveň je také bohatou dědičkou. Nenávidí svého poručníka, který o ni nejeví žádný zájem. Dívka se proto rozhodne utéct z nudného pe

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Zázrak v Mexiku - Barbara Cartlandová

    Zázrak v Mexiku

    Barbara Cartlandová: Divoké dobrodružství plné vášně, které možná vyústí v pravou lásku. Mladá Američanka Orina Vandeholtová zdědila po rodičích obrovské bohatství, takže o muže nemá nouzi. Všem jde ale jen o peníze, zatímco ona touží po skutečn

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Polibek v poušti - Barbara Cartlandová

    Polibek v poušti

    Barbara Cartlandová: Anglický hrabě a falešná princezna zamíchají kartami na dvoře bohatého šejka. Pohledný a bohatý hrabě z Brackenu se vrací ze svých cest po Sýrii, kde si vyhlédl ty nejlepší arabské plnokrevníky šejka Abú Hamída. Šejk ale s obchodem

    Barbara Cartlandová
  • Synové štěstěny - Jeffrey Archer
    Umenie a kultúra

    Synové štěstěny

    Jeffrey Archer: Zoufalá ošetřovatelka, jíž zemřel ve spánku kojenec, synek milionáře, od sebe hned po porodu oddělí novorozená dvojčata, a tak chlapci vyrůstají, aniž o sobě vědí. Nat Cartwright žije u středostavovských pokrevních rodičů a odch

    Jeffrey Archer
  • King's Men Crow (EN) - Nicholas Carter
    Dobrodružné romány

    King’s Men Crow (EN)

    Nicholas Carter: It takes courage to survive in this atmospheric historical adventure set during the English Civil War. August 1643: the Siege of Gloucester continues. Can the weak city walls really survive against the might of the Royalists? William Sparrow and Hugo Te

    Nicholas Carter
  • Just Ask: Why Seeking Support is Your Greatest Strength (EN) - Andy Lopata
    Kariéra, motivačná literatúra

    Just Ask: Why Seeking Support is Your Greatest Strength (EN)

    Andy Lopata: “Just Ask: Why Seeking Support Is Your Greatest Strength” (2020) was written for those unable to ask for help and to encourage everyone to do so in their time of need. The piece by the professional networking master, Andy Lopata, delves into the importan

    Andy Lopata
  • B. J. Harrison Reads Lord Arthur Savile's Crime (EN) - Oscar Wilde
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads Lord Arthur Savile’s Crime (EN)

    Oscar Wilde: Sometimes self-fulfilling prophecies are not all they seem. Lord Arthur Savile is a young British aristocrat about to get married. Mr. Podgers tells people’s fortunes, and he has bad news for the groom: he will commit murder. Unable to get the thoug

    Oscar Wilde
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Furnished Room (EN) - O. Henry
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Furnished Room (EN)

    O. Henry: “The Furnished Room” is a short story about love and dedication, about exhaustion and despair. A young man is searching for a girl he fell in love with. He rents a room near the theatre where she could sometimes be seen and he devotes his days to the dr

    O. Henry
  • B. J. Harrison Reads Transformation (EN) - Mary Shelley

    B. J. Harrison Reads Transformation (EN)

    Mary Shelley: Guido il Cortese is a young man who inherits a fortune from his father. He is about to marry Juliet, the daughter of one of his father’s friends. Before the wedding was to take place, Guido decided to travel to Paris, where he squandered away his fami

    Mary Shelley
  • B. J. Harrison Reads Frankenstein (EN) - Mary Shelley
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads Frankenstein (EN)

    Mary Shelley: Victor Frankenstein is a young scientist who artificially creates a human being. His expectations are however far from reality as is Creation is so monstrous that it cannot fit into human society. This leads to dreadful consequences as the monster decid

    Mary Shelley
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The White Maniac: A Doctor's Tale (EN) - Mary Fortune

    B. J. Harrison Reads The White Maniac: A Doctor’s Tale (EN)

    Mary Fortune: A young doctor visits a Baron’s house. The house is very strange: everything is white, there isn’t even one splash of colour. Why is it like that and how can someone can live in such a sterile surrounding? Why was the doctor invited there and what wil

    Mary Fortune
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (EN) - Mark Twain
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (EN)

    Mark Twain: Huck is a young boy who embarks on a long and adventurous journey along the Mississippi River together with the runaway slave Jim. Their trip is marked by many obstacles, the different people they meet from various social classes, and the beautifully idy

    Mark Twain
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (EN) - Mark Twain
    Humor, satira

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County (EN)

    Mark Twain: Have you been caught in a long and meaningless conversation of which you want to sneak out but somehow find it difficult to do so? Simon Wheeler was sitting quietly in a tavern in a small mining town when an unknown man approached him. The man was actual

    Mark Twain
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Million Pound Bank Note (EN) - Mark Twain
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Million Pound Bank Note (EN)

    Mark Twain: Henry Adams is a poor American who ends up penniless in London after a boating accident swept him out to sea. One day he stumbles upon two brothers who hand him a suspicious envelope. What Henry does not know is that it contains a million pound bank not

    Mark Twain
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Stolen White Elephant (EN) - Mark Twain
    Klasická literatúra

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Stolen White Elephant (EN)

    Mark Twain: Can you imagine that a big white elephant could disappeared into thin air? It may sound impossible or ridiculous but it actually happened. An elephant got sent to Great Britain as a gift to the Queen but it was lost on the way and nobody seems to have a

    Mark Twain
  • B. J. Harrison Reads The Mysterious Key and What It Opened (EN) - Louisa May Alcott

    B. J. Harrison Reads The Mysterious Key and What It Opened (EN)

    Louisa May Alcott: Alice is pregnant with her husband Sir Richard Trevlyn’s child. One day, she listens to a conversation between her husband and a visitor through a keyhole. What she hears is shocking enough to make her faint, and when she comes to, her husband is foun

    Louisa May Alcott