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Herman Melville

  • The Encantadas (EN) - Herman Melville

    The Encantadas (EN)

    Herman Melville: Herman Melville‘s picturesque account of the Galapagos Islands will make you want to abandon all responsibilities and travel there to see for yourself. Melville wrote this series of “sketches” – or short prose works – from his own experiences saili

    Herman Melville
  • Typee (EN) - Herman Melville
    Dobrodružné romány

    Typee (EN)

    Herman Melville: The young adventurous sailors, Tommo and Toby, abandon ship and flee into the jungle of an island in French Polynesia. But their feelings of victory will be short-lived. Because they are about to run straight into the hands of the Typee, the most feared

    Herman Melville
  • Biela veľryba - Herman Melville
    Klasická literatúra

    Biela veľryba

    Herman Melville: Mladý námorník Izmael, znudený všednosťou každodenného života na pevnine, sa dá najať na veľrybársku loď. Čoskoro však zistí, že jej kapitán sa nevydal na more preto, aby sa vrátil s nákladom veľrybieho mäsa a tuku…

    Herman Melville