Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Stop Smoking (EN)
Randy Charach: In this self-hypnosis program, Randy will help you to take away your craving to smoke. Beat the habit today and stop smoking to improve your health.
Legie Prokletých
Sven Hassel: ” VELEDÍLO” CHICAGO SUNDAY TRIBUNE Kvůli nedostatku vojáků povolal Hitler do zálohy všechny dostupné muže. Zločince, politické vězně a dezertéři jsou prominuti a posláni na frontu. Všichni jsou shromážděni v pochodovém praporu a je j
Divoké labutě
H.c. Andersen: „Za devatero horami a devatero řekami žil v zemi, kam na zimu odlétají vlaštovky, král. Měl jedenáct synů a jednu dceru, Elisu. ” Tak začíná příběh o Elise a jejích bratrech. Všichni žili spokojeně na hradě a jejich otec, pan krá
Látací jehla
H.c. Andersen: Byla jednou jedna látací jehla, která si myslela, že je šicí jehla. Byla tak tenoučká, až se jednoho dne zlomila vejpůl. Ani to jí ale nezabránilo bojovat za svůj sen.
Ole Zavřiočka
H.c. Andersen: „Nikdo na světě nezná tolik příběhů jako Ole Zavřiočka. Je to báječný vypravěč. ” Každý večer uspává děti svým povídáním a když jsou celý den hodné, vykouzlí jim pomocí dvou deštníků krásné sny. Chcete si poslechnout n
Malá mořská víla
H.c. Andersen: Na dně hlubokého oceánu žil mořský král, jeho stará matka a šest dcer. Bydleli v nádherném zámku obklopeném velikou zahradou, o kterou se dcery společně staraly. Malá mořská víla, nejmladší a nejkrásnější ze všech sester, ze v
Létající kufr
H.c. Andersen: Syn bohatého kupce utratil po smrti svého otce veškeré zděděné bohatství. Nakonec zůstal úplně opuštěný a nezbylo mu nic než župan a bačkory. Jeho přítel mu poradil, aby se odstěhoval, a daroval mu starý kufr. Nebyl to ale obyčejn
Iduščiny květiny
H.c. Andersen: Malá Ida měla moc ráda studenta, který jí vyprávěl příběhy. Když jednoho rána zvadly její květiny, zeptala se ho, co se jim asi stalo.
Erotické romány
The Collar (EN)
Cupido And Others: Stories of dominant women or men, couples, or strangers who explore the limits of sexuality with role play, BDSM, partner swapping or orgies shrouded in sexy mystique. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the
Erotické romány
The Lift Boy In Lisbon (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their mate makes their c
Erotické romány
Her Friend’s Brother (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman – Woman. Man – Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes thei
Erotické romány
The Flight (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman – Woman. Man – Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes thei
Erotické romány
Long-distance across Europe (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman – Woman. Man – Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes
Erotické romány
Conquest (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman – Woman. Man – Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Gay. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes their
A. C. Efverman: Three women are found naked and brutally murdered in central parts of Sydney – and DS Morgan Callaghan is assigned to lead the investigations of what seems to be the work of a serial killer. One of the murder victims is a young Danish citizen – and as Sy
Erotické romány
Holiday Memories (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, or water touching your private parts – especially while with your lover. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The
Erotické romány
Hot Bikers (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
The Temptations of Summer (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
Tropical Heat (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
A Wet Walk in the Forest (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
The Husband, the Wife and the Stranger (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
The Mermaid (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, or water touching your private parts – especially while with your lover. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The
Erotické romány
An ‘Innocent’ Trip to the Beach (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. This collection includes the following stories
Erotické romány
The Handyman (EN)
Cupido And Others: Woman on woman. Man – Man. Bisexuality. Flexible. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate makes the