Zobrazených 649–672 z 1603 výsledkov


  • The Passions of the Dowager Countess - Erotic Short Story (EN) - Britta Bocker
    Erotické romány

    The Passions of the Dowager Countess – Erotic Short Story (EN)

    Britta Bocker: Anna and Gustav play together as children, and when they meet again as young adults, their playing takes on new and exciting elements. But the young couple cannot be with each other, because Anna is wedded to the ageing Count von Silfverhuus, and for yea

    Britta Bocker
  • Horny as Hell - erotic short story (EN) - B. J. Hermansson
    Erotické romány

    Horny as Hell – erotic short story (EN)

    B. J. Hermansson: “For a long time, she had wanted to hear the words, but he had never said them aloud or displayed any interest. He always seemed to prefer to just snuggle up together, watch mediocre TV series and go for long, romantic walks together. One day, she has s

    B. J. Hermansson
  • Krvavá cesta na smrt - Sven Hassel

    Krvavá cesta na smrt

    Sven Hassel: „V TOMTO ROMÁNĚ JSOU PRVKY DRAMATICKÉ KRÁSY VE VŠÍ JEJI BRUTALITĚ” LA NOTTE, Itálie Krvavý partyzánský boj se odehrával na Balkáně. Na ulice padají granáty. Ze střech dopadlá palba těžkého kulometu na lovecký prapor. Naříkají

    Sven Hassel
  • Povětroň - Karel Čapek
    Klasická literatúra


    Karel Čapek: Tento příběh začíná tím, že do nemocnice přivezou muže v bezvědomí, který se zranil při leteckém neštěstí. Nad jeho lůžkem se postupně vystřídají jasnovidec, jeptiška a básník a každý z nich se snaží přijít na důvod, kte

    Karel Čapek
  • Petrolejové lampy - Jaroslav Havlíček

    Petrolejové lampy

    Jaroslav Havlíček: Petrolejové lampy jsou psychologickým dramatem nepoddajné ženy zasazeným do kroniky lidských osudů v přelomové době, jejíž události daleko přesahují rozměry maloměsta, v němž se román odehrává. Příběhu vévodí mistrně vystižen

    Jaroslav Havlíček
  • Psohlavci - Alois Jirásek
    Klasická literatúra


    Alois Jirásek: Bezpečnost českých hranic na Šumavě zajišťovali již od čtrnáctého století Chodové. Byli to drsní hraničáři, kteří se nebáli obětovat život pro dobro státu. Za jejich služby a odvahu jim panovníci udělovali mnoho různých práv

    Alois Jirásek
  • Pasáček vepřů - H.c. Andersen

    Pasáček vepřů

    H.c. Andersen: Chudý princ se zamiloval do rozmazlené princezny a rozhodl se, že ji požádá o ruku. Posílal jí dárky, jenže ona se s ním ale odmítla setkat. Princ se nakonec dostal do zámku jako pasáček vepřů.

    H.c. Andersen
  • The Haunted Bookshop (EN) - Christopher Morley

    The Haunted Bookshop (EN)

    Christopher Morley: “The Haunted Bookshop” is a so called “bibliomystery” (a mystery story set in the world of books) from 1919. It is the story of the eccentric owner of the Haunted Bookshop, Roger Mifflin, who some readers might remember from “Parnassus on Wheels”. This

    Christopher Morley
  • Parnassus on Wheels (EN) - Christopher Morley

    Parnassus on Wheels (EN)

    Christopher Morley: “Parnassus on Wheels” (1917) was Christopher Morley’s first published novel. It tells the story of Roger Mifflin, who sells his travelling book business to 39-year-old Helen McGill. The latter is tired of taking care of her ailing older brother Andrew

    Christopher Morley
  • Kathleen (EN) - Christopher Morley
    Klasická literatúra

    Kathleen (EN)

    Christopher Morley: “Kathleen” is a 1920 novel by Christopher Morley. It tells the story of a group of eight Oxford undergrads who call themselves “The Scorpions. ” One day, they find a letter that a certain Kathleen wrote to Joe, and they build an idea of who she might be

    Christopher Morley
  • In the Sweet Dry and Dry (EN) - Bart Haley,Christopher Morley
    Humor, satira

    In the Sweet Dry and Dry (EN)

    Bart Haley,Christopher Morley: Written just before Prohibition, “In the Sweet and Dry” tries to entail the possible troubles that might happen in the future. It takes both sides of the argument, and sketches out the various methods that could be used, some of them being rather over-th

    Bart Haley, Christopher Morley
  • The Silent Bullet (EN) - Arthur B. Reeve

    The Silent Bullet (EN)

    Arthur B. Reeve: “The Silent Bullet” contains twelve of Professor Kennedy’s adventures. Reeve uses the newest technologies of the early 1900s, which were nothing short of revolutionary for the time. In the title story, for example, everyone is wondering how somebody cou

    Arthur B. Reeve
  • The Poisoned Pen (EN) - Arthur B. Reeve

    The Poisoned Pen (EN)

    Arthur B. Reeve: “The Poisoned Pen” is a collection of twelve of Professor Kennedy’s adventures. In these, Reeve uses the newest technologies of the early 1900s, which were nothing short of revolutionary for the time. The title story for example features the use of spec

    Arthur B. Reeve
  • Teddy's Button (EN) - Amy Le Feuvre
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    Teddy’s Button (EN)

    Amy Le Feuvre: Teddy loves to tell the story of how his father heroically died on the battlefield. He wants to become a soldier just like him. But this brings contention and strife when a new girl comes to town. Nancy is just as selfishly proud as he is and from the

    Amy Le Feuvre
  • Probable Sons (EN) - Amy Le Feuvre
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    Probable Sons (EN)

    Amy Le Feuvre: Little Milly is left an orphan after the death of her mother and she is sent to live with her bachelor uncle, Sir Edward Wentworth. The latter has no use for children, especially of the female variety, but as the days go by he is warmed by his niece’s

    Amy Le Feuvre
  • The Doubter (EN) - Claes Johansen

    The Doubter (EN)

    Claes Johansen: I shook his shoulder. ‘All right? You all right, Dave? Dave?’ He leaned his head back and closed his eyes hard, as he clenched his fists and started beating them against the wall. ‘We need to get you to a hospital,’ I said. ‘Nah, fuck that.

    Claes Johansen
  • The Enchanted Castle 1 - Black Magic (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 1 – Black Magic (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: When Stick, Pop and Mane explore the old house called the Castle, they find a lot of animals. There is also an evil wizard. Can the girls stop him, before he uses the animals for his black magic? This is the first book in a series on 12 about The Enchan

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 10 - The Dragon's Heart (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 10 – The Dragon’s Heart (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: In a valley full of dragons, the three girls see a brightly shining ruby. When they try to take it, something amazing happens. Can the girls manage in a world full of dragons?.

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 11 - The Mermaid's Song (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 11 – The Mermaid’s Song (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: In the middle of the night, while everyone else is asleep, a sad girl walks from the fisherman’s house to the ocean. Stick, Pop and Mane follow her. What is going on?.

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 12 - The Valley of Trolls (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 12 – The Valley of Trolls (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: The three girls have come to the mountains to find healing plants for a small, sick boy. Here, they see a strange creature. They think it is a bear cub. But they are wrong! Can they save the sick boy?.

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 2 - Chivalrous Love (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 2 – Chivalrous Love (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: There is a party in the great hall in King Arthur’s court. Among the participants, there is a young damsel and a young knight who hate each other. Can the three girls make their hearts melt? This is the second book in a series of 12 about The Enchante

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 3 - The Enemy of the Fairies (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 3 – The Enemy of the Fairies (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: The fairies are dying of thirst, and their green world is withering. The three girls want to bring back the rain, but how will they manage to fool the evil dragon, who has brought drought to the world of the fairies?.

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 4 - Poisonous Plans (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 4 – Poisonous Plans (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: In the caliph’s palace, the vizier is making crooked plans. The caliph’s life is in danger. The three girls try to stay out of it. But can they manage that?.

    Peter Gotthardt
  • The Enchanted Castle 5 - Magical Caves (EN) - Peter Gotthardt
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    The Enchanted Castle 5 – Magical Caves (EN)

    Peter Gotthardt: The girl Ala and the hunters from her tribe save the three girls from a pack of vicious cave lions. But maybe the girls can also help Ala with something?.

    Peter Gotthardt