Primer of Happiness
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Primer of Happiness 3
Pavel Hirax Baričák: The third part of the Primer of happiness is not intended only for parents that are looking for a way, with what form to give their descendants the best, but also for souls that want to understand why there are fears in them, why they act the way they…
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Primer of Happiness: Self knowledge, connections, self change
Pavel Hirax Baričák: “Your soul yearns to be loved. By you.”
Why a person attracts a “bad” partner? Why what you desire is not becoming true? How to speed up the intention? What is the reason of excessive apologizing and self blame? How to solve the pressure… -
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Primer of Happiness
Pavel Hirax Baričák: “Your soul yearns to be loved. By you.”
In a simple form suitable for first-graders, this book explains the principles of self-acceptance, forgiveness, positive thinking, “letting go” of your parents, understanding illness, dissolving pain…