Zobrazených 817–840 z 4077 výsledkov


  • The Third Reich (EN) - World History

    The Third Reich (EN)

    World History: In 1933 Adolf Hitler seizes power after seducing the German people with lavish promises of restoring order, prosperity and the Greater German Reich to its former glories. He then goes to on exploit other Western European powers’ fear of confrontation t

    World History
  • Beach Joys (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Beach Joys (EN)

    Cupido And Others: Woman on woman. Man on man. Bisexuality. Queer. Some have never questioned their homosexuality. Others are in a straight marriage with kids when suddenly the thought of their best friend makes their nipples erect, or a touch from their best mate make

    Cupido And Others
  • A Week Without You (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    A Week Without You (EN)

    Cupido And Others: Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains following short stories: “They started from the motel at Vågsli.

    Cupido And Others
  • Hot cuisine (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Hot cuisine (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Tie Me Up - Erotic Short Story (EN) - Julie Jones
    Erotické romány

    Tie Me Up – Erotic Short Story (EN)

    Julie Jones: She can see that he is struggling with his tie, and with every failed attempt he grows more and more frustrated. Finding it hard to keep herself from laughing, she offers him her help. But he’s got other plans. Because although he can’t seem to tie a

    Julie Jones
  • 1 Hour Massage (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    1 Hour Massage (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • A Streetcar Named Desire (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    A Streetcar Named Desire (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Commando Time (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Commando Time (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Action at the Office (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Action at the Office (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. “She cleaned the computer screen with a wet cloth. As it happe

    Cupido And Others
  • Interrailing (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Interrailing (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Three Shooting Stars (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Three Shooting Stars (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Train 1969 (EN) - Cupido And Others
    Erotické romány

    Train 1969 (EN)

    Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Naughty flirting. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and his teacher. The older gentleman and the innocent virgin. You, me and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The

    Cupido And Others
  • Preview - erotic short story (EN) - Julie Jones
    Erotické romány

    Preview – erotic short story (EN)

    Julie Jones: Things have always been professional between Ellie and Paul Miller. Well, most of the time, at least. After their encounter in the bar where things got. heated, everything has gone back to normal. But an unforeseen turn of events right before curtain

    Julie Jones
  • Opening night - erotic short story (EN) - Julie Jones
    Erotické romány

    Opening night – erotic short story (EN)

    Julie Jones: Ellie and Paul Miller have a somewhat. complicated relationship. As in, Paul will make Ellie come with an intensity that no-one else can, only to then act as if nothing happened. In other words, he is taking up most of her thoughts, but unfortunately n

    Julie Jones
  • A Time for Healing (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    A Time for Healing (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: In the world today there are so many crises and sorrows, a great deal of disease, emotionally, mentally, and physically, so where do we begin to heal ourselves? We begin to heal ourselves by the way we think and also the attitudes that we hold towards our

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Cascade (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    Cascade (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: “Cascade” by Brahma Khumaris is a collection of musical, meditational poetry, that will help you focus or unwind. Whether you struggling to focus at work, studying for school, or relaxing at home, these soft, atmospheric tunes will help clearing your min

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Creating Self-Esteem (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    Creating Self-Esteem (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: When we do not know ourselves we cannot respect ourselves, without self-esteem we lack inner strength and lose control over our thoughts, words, and actions, ending up in a state of confusion, guilt, and despair. This talk aims to help reverse this proce

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Cycle of Change (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    Cycle of Change (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: With the awareness of the eternal self our concept of time changes from linear to cyclical. Sister Jayanti explains our connection with the world of matter and how change is cyclic. Through our own positive transformation we can help bring about the res

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Inner Light (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    Inner Light (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: Whether you are a beginner or more experienced, you will appreciate the depth and clarity of these short meditation commentaries. Allow yourself to be led inwards to discover the truths of the spirit and experience the inner qualities of peace, harmony a

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Knowing Myself (EN) - Brahma Khumaris

    Knowing Myself (EN)

    Brahma Khumaris: Explore the unknown territory of your self with the help of these meditation commentaries. Progressing from an awareness of the inner self, and the consciousness of the soul, to the final harnessing of your natural and original qualities of peace, love,

    Brahma Khumaris
  • Plachetnicí kolem světa pro pírko tučňáka - Rudolf Krautschneider

    Plachetnicí kolem světa pro pírko tučňáka

    Rudolf Krautschneider: „Nestáli jsme proti třem oceánům, ale naopak jsme s nimi splynuli. “ Zatímco československá federace spěje k zániku, uskutečňuje její slavný mořeplavec další životní sen. V Kapském Městě nabral na podzim 1990 síly, proviant i z

    Rudolf Krautschneider
  • Sofiin svět - Jostein Gaarder

    Sofiin svět

    Jostein Gaarder: Slavný román o dějinách filosofie. Norský učitel Jostein Gaarder spojil ve své knize Sofiin svět zdánlivě neatraktivní témata: dějiny filosofie a příběh dospívání patnáctileté dívky. Román, který byl publikován v roce 1991, ovš

    Jostein Gaarder
  • Nezvestná - Christian White


    Christian White: Psychotriler o žene odhaľujúcej zničujúce tajomstvá svojej rodiny a vlastnej identite Pri vyučovaní na komunitnej škole v Melbourne sa cez prestávku prihovorí učiteľke fotografovania Kim Leamyovej neznámy muž s americkým prízvukom. Vysve

    Christian White
  • Svědkyně obžaloby - Agatha Christie

    Svědkyně obžaloby

    Agatha Christie: Záměr, náhoda, nehoda? Anebo vyšší moc? Pokus o vraždu nabere nečekaný obrat, neboť najednou se role útočníka a oběti vymění… Ženský šestý smysl a nabitý revolver – to nevěstí nic dobrého… Motorista v nesnázích hledá úto

    Agatha Christie