Klasická literatúra
Doctor Thorne (EN)
Anthony Trollope: “Doctor Thorne” is the third of Trollope’s Barsetshire novels and unlike some of the others has little to do with politics and religion. The plot revolves around Mary Thorne, an illegitimate child who has been lovingly raised by her uncle, a country doct
Erotické romány
Ghostly Gay Trilogy (EN)
Michel Russell: The “Ghostly Gay Trilogy” is the story of the triumph of one man’s spirit as he casts out his demons, real and imagined, and lays to rest the ghost of his lost love, hereby learning to live again. Life and fate have dealt Ashley Wynter a series of cruel
Biografie a texty
Kolmo na Moskvu
Milan Martinec: Máte někdy chuť vyrazit někam hodně daleko? Třeba na kole? Jen si říkáte, že na takovou cestu nemáte dost času? Milan Martinec ukáže, že i v rámci normální dovolené je možné střihnout si například tři týdny do Moskvy a zpátky.
Dobrodružné romány
Lovci vlků
James Oliver Curwood: Příběh, na který s láskou vzpomínají celé generace čtenářů. Dobrodružství indiánského hocha Wabiho a jeho bílého přítele Roda v lůně drsné kanadské přírody na přelomu 19 a 20. století. Hledání dávných tajemství uprostř
Deti a mládež
Mumínci: Tatínek a moře
Tove Janssonová: Jaké taje ukrývá „opuštěný ostrov“? Změna je život. Rodina mumínků se nalodila a přestěhovala do nového domova: na ostrov, který zmáhají vichry a vlnobití. Tatínek by se tu ze srdce rád stal strážcem majáku a poznal veškeré j
Deti a mládež
Boj o první místo
Jaroslav Foglar: Zvítězí čestnost a poctivost nad lží a zlými úmysly? Třináctiletého Petra čeká poslední ročník základní školy. Jenže po prázdninách tam vládnou nové pořádky. Nepsaným vůdcem třídy se stal zákeřný frajírek Ruda, který s
Sci-fi, fantasy, horory
Planeta opic
Pierre Boulle: Soror je latinsky „sestra“. Bude ale na této sesterské planetě vše tak, jak jsme „civilizovaně“ zvyklí?
The Marquis is Deceived (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 128) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The Marquis of Craigmere, who is one of the most handsome and attractive men in the Beau Monde, is pursued by an exotic and beautiful married woman called Peony Lawson. The Marquis finds this affaire-de-coeur amusing and enjoyable until Peony says that t
Saved by the Duke (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 123) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The Duke of Rockcliffe returns home to England from the British Army of Occupation which after the defeat of Napoleon in 1815 is located at Cambrai. He had left England seven years ago when he was merely a young Lieutenant who intended to spend his life
Erotické romány
Cabin Fever 6: Freyja’s Lair (EN)
Ane-Marie Kjeldberg: Bella has been a widow for such a long time, she can barely remember anything else. But now, she has accepted Ian’s proposal. She loves Ian, but as the wedding approaches, she realizes that he is much different than she thought. She goes to her North
Erotické romány
Two’s Company, Three’s Best (EN)
Cupido And Others: The young couple. The first time. Daring flirtations. The secret, forbidden meeting. The young student and teacher. The older gentleman and innocent virgin. You, me, and a friend. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The colle
Danger in the Desert (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 110) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The Earl of Hillingwood calls his great friend, Lord Waverstone, to an urgent meeting with him at White’s Club in St. James’s for a serious discussion. The Earl is determined that his only son, Royden, is married to his friend’s daughter, Malva, a
A Prisoner in Paris (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 109) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: After visiting the lovely Countess of Helston as her husband is away, Lord Lanwood did not arrive home until the early hours of the morning. And after sleeping later than usual the following morning, he is ready to go riding when his valet tells him that
An Archangel Called Ivan (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 108) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Arliva Ashdown is not only the most beautiful girl in London Society but the richest as she has inherited her father’s huge fortune. At a ball she is giving she overhears two people talking outside the window and she is horrified to learn that, althoug
Soft, Sweet & Gentle (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 107) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Lady Georgina Lang returns to The Castle from her father’s funeral to wonder what the future holds for her. Because her father had always longed for a son to succeed him, he had brought her up and educated her exactly as if she was a boy. She dressed
Love’s Dream in Peril (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 106) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The beautiful Adella May is filled with joy as she sees Digby Dryden, the man she loves, walking towards her. But why does he turn away, refusing to look at her? Humiliated and hurt and her golden dream of love in ruins, what can Adella do now and where
A Sacrifice for Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 105) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Princess Caterina of Theiss receives a letter from her close friend Princess Henriet of Istria asking her to stay with her immediately. The two Provinces were close to each other and part of Austria. On arrival at the Palace in Istria, Princess Caterina
A Heart Finds Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 104) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The beautiful Alnina Lester is confronted with a formidable task when her brother, Lord Lester, dies after fighting a duel in Paris. She finds that he has accumulated an enormous number of debts, and to meet his creditors everything in their house, which
She Wanted Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 103) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The beautiful Lady Eleta Renton returns from France where she has stayed long over her time at the Convent School in Paris. Because her mother had married again after becoming widowed and then she died too, Eleta was in no hurry to come home. When she a
A Flight to Heaven (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 102) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: When two dashing gentlemen ride up to Rensham Hall, the ancestral Norfolk home of the beautiful Lady Chiara Fairfax, her world is turned upside down, as she and her mother are just recovering from the unexpected death of her father, Lord Fairfax. One of
A Call of Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 101) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The British Prime Minister, Benjamin Disraeli, asks Lord Kenington to travel to India to find out if growing reports about the Russian menace are really true. The Liberal Opposition in Parliament are sceptical and are certain that Disraeli is manufacturi
Erotické romány
The Vicar’s New Maid – Erotic Short Story (EN)
Britta Bocker: “He saw how her shirt was tight over the beautiful breasts he had just seen swaying freely under the nightgown. The Vicar had almost seen her entire body through the nightgown, which was so thin and worn as to be almost transparent, and now it felt as if
Erotické romány
Valentine’s Night – Erotic Short Story (EN)
Katja Slonawski: Erotica, sex, desire, lust, passion, valentine, night, forbidden, teacher, student “When Moa pressed herself against him, she could feel his hard-on, and her body turned to jelly. Stefan took her hand, guided her to his cock, and she started stroking it
Erotické romány
The Artist’s Muse – erotic short story (EN)
– Olrik: Charlotte has only been working at Lothar’s renowned art gallery for about a week when he asks her to go to an exhibition as a representative of the gallery. It is both an honour and a scary experience to mingle with so many talented people, especially w