The Star of Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 12) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Charles, Lord Hartley, was at his wits end. He had spent a fortune on his cousin John, and still the embittered John demanded more money. Charles knew he needed an heiress and he became swiftley attracted to Cliona, who had recently moved in to the neig
Theirs to Eternity (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 15) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Davina is the younger daughter of Lord Shelford and she has fallen for an actor who did not meet her father’s approval. He has banished her from London to his newly acquired country seat, Priory Park, where Davina felt lonely, but not for long. She soon
A Paradise on Earth (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 16) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Lord Milton should have been a happy man, with an ancient title and a magificent estate. But he was deep in debt and haunted by memories of the Crimea, where he had once been a soldier and taken part of the Charge of the Light Brigade. To take his mind
Love Wins in Berlin (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 17) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Simona Bell, the lovely daughter of Lord Belgrave, has been invited by her friend, Karoline von Honentaal to stay with her family in Berlin. Simona finds that Karoline’s father, the Baron, owns an amazing collection of art which interests her greatly. A
In Search of love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 18) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Vanda Sudbury and Robert, the Earl of Cunningham, had been friends from childhood. They knew all each other’s faults and weaknesses and squabbled like brother and sister. So when her father tried to force a marriage between them, they were equally horri
Love Rescues Rosanna (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 19) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: After the death of her great-uncle, orphan Lady Rosanna Donnington was overwhelmed to learn he had left her his vast fortune. It was then her life changed and she became the target of unscrupulous fortune hunters. But she was determined to marry only fo
A Heart in Heaven (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 20) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Returning from finishing school in France, Louisa Hatton was full of enthusiasm for the life ahead. She was convinced it would be exciting and romantic. But her parents had already planned a very suitable marriage for her to Lord Westbridge, their new n
The House of Happiness (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 21) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Eugenia Dovedale’s father had been High Steward to the Marquis of Buckbury and after her father’s unexpected death, Eugenia had to leave ‘Paragon’ the family’s beautiful and much loved cottage on the estate. She and her mother now lived uncomfortably wit
Royalty Defeated by Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 22) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Michael, the Earl of Danesbury was being hounded to marry Lady Alice Randall, a woman he did not love. Even the Prince of Wales was determined to force him into marriage. Michael fled to his dilapidated ancestral castle for the first time since inheriti
The White Witch (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 23) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The Marquis of Wynstanton had become involved with one of the beauties of London Society — Locadi, Lady Marshall and when her husband died unexpectedly, the Marquis set out on a long journey to India and Nepal, as he wished to avoid any gossip arising ab
They Sought Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 24) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: For years Celina Storton had been in love with Robin, the Earl of Torrington, but he spent his time in Paris, pursuing beautiful women and the more the merrier. Then his mother’s illness forced him to return to England, where she demanded that he marry q
Love is the Reason for Living (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 25) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Lady Novella Crownley has been teaching at a girl’s school far from her ancestral home, Crownley Hall, and one day her mother asks her to return. She leaves at once only to find that so much has changed since her last visit home. Her beloved father, the
They Found Their Way to Heaven (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 26) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Lady Elvina, theal and in love. Any day now Captain Andreaw Broadmoor would propose to her. But then she overheard him saying that he did not love her and would only marry her for her money. Elvina fled, travelling to Cumberland, where she had heard th
Learning to Love (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 27) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: The Earl of Cariston is faced with insuperable problems as he has completely run out of money. He has sold everything on his estate that he can, but even so there is nothing he can do to support those who rely on him and they are on the verge of starvati
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Money and Prosperity 2 (EN)
Randy Charach: Randy Charach reveals the ‘mindset’ you will need to become more successful and wealthier. This short audio course will encourage clear and positive thinking in order to achieve your life goals and desires.
Money and Prosperity 1 (EN)
Randy Charach: Randy Charach reveals the ‘mindset’ you will need to become more successful and wealthier. This short audio course will encourage clear and positive thinking in order to achieve your life goals and desires.
Ukradené dětství
Jitka Neradová: Příběh svatobořických dětí Je konec léta 1942 a do dejvického zámečku Jenerálka začínají vozy gestapa přivážet děti od tří do šestnácti let. Jde o nejmladší generaci ze širšího okruhu atentátníků na Reinharda Heydricha. Pr
Biografie a texty
Co se do životopisu nevešlo – 6 let kolem světa
Nick Martin: Proč se ptají kde se vidíte za deset let? Proč se nezeptají kde se vidíte teď?
Vinařskou Francií s Petrem Doležalem: Burgundsko (II. Cote de Nuits)
Petr Doležal: V dalším pokračování edice Vinařskou Francii s Petrem Doležalem se vypravíme do nejvýznamnější vinařské oblasti světa pro přípravu velkých červených vín. Seznámíme se s kultem vinařského skvostu La Romanée- Conti, nejdražšího
Hleď, prázdnota
Philip Fracassi: Devět děsivých příběhů vznášejících se v temnotě mezi retro hororem 80. let a stylem new weird. Povídky, ve kterých nikdo není v bezpečí. Brána do pekel se může klidně otevřít v plaveckém bazénu nebo na dálnici a kterákoli ma
Bratrstvo neohrožených
Stephen E. Ambrose: Za svobodu na zemi i na nebi. Na život a na smrt. Fascinující líčení historie proslulé roty E 506. pluku 101. výsadkové divize armády Spojených států. Vyhledávaný americký životopisec dramaticky a do detailu líčí její nelehkou ce
Biografie a texty
O písaní
Stephen King: Vedeli ste, že Stephen King si na písanie niektorých svojich textov ani nepamätá, pretože trpel závislosťou od drog a alkoholu? Že viackrát unikol smrti a zachránila ho len láska rodiny a láska k príbehom? Že jeden z najúspešnejších a n
Klasická literatúra
Jiskra života
Erich Maria Remarque: „Teď nesmíme prohrát. Konec je na dohled…“ Někdejší odbojný novinář, kterého vězní v německém koncentračním táboře Mellern, už léta nevyslovil své jméno. Slyší pouze na číslo 509, což tomuto zbídačelému třicetikilogra