Stillness – Divine Meditation (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: In creating this divine meditation music, particular attention was given to the Indian Flute, the sounds of which transport the mind to a far away place of comfort and healing. Featuring Rakesh Chaurasia from the internationally acclaimed Chaurasia famil
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Stress Free Living 3 (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: Discover practical ways to turn stress into success. Mike George, an experienced and entertaining speaker on the subject of stress management, offers important insights into the nature and causes of stress. He shows us how to turn stress into success wi
Understanding Karma (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: A lecture on the concept of Karma (action), an essential ingredient in the practice of Raja Yoga meditation. It describes the relationship between thinking and behaviour and the means by which. With an understanding of the law of Karma, you are able to
Understanding Myself (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: Grow strong through a deeper understanding of the Self. This informative talk shows how you can develop positive attributes and strengths that will be your personal tools for life. Understand how to empower the Self by taking control of your different r
You Can’t Write Your Name On The Sun (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: “You Can’t Write Your Name On The Sun” contains a contains a collection of ambiance music and songs that can be used for meditational and relaxation purposes. Unwind and let your mood be lifted.
Chimney & Co. (EN)
Pamela Douglas: Chimney is a much loved family cat who has chosen to tell her own story in poetic form as only a cat can. She charts her life from mischievous kittenhood to thoughtful maturity in the company of two glorious Irish setters. Cat lovers and owners everywhe
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Hyam the Cat Who Talked Too Much (EN)
Pamela Douglas: These are the tales of a cat – a very special cat in fact, he is a theatrical cat, a fastidious cat, a funny cat, but most of all, an adored cat. He is most famous for having talked himself out of a part at an audition for a West End production – for
The Beat Poet Experience (EN)
Beat Poet Experience: “The Beat Poet Experience” is formed around the poetry and dynamism of performance artist David O’Kelly, paying more than a passing nod to the Beat Poets of the 60’s. It embraces warmly all that we love and hate about ourselves with a wry twist of phra
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The Who’s Afraid Stories (EN)
Pamela Douglas: All children love to be read a story and Pamela Douglas believes that reading to children at an early age encourages a love of books and a desire to learn to read themselves. These are a collection of READ TO stories for younger children. They are all a
8 Principles of Spiritual Living (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: What we think comes true. Anthony Strano’s wealth of experimentation and experience from over twenty years of practising spirituality in life comes through powerfully in these illuminating short talks as he shares different principles which when applie
Guided Meditation – Time Out (EN)
Brahma Khumaris: “Guided Meditation – Time Out” by Brahma Khumaris offers an atmospheric guided meditation that will help you unwind and reconnect with yourself. This guided meditation is invaluable for when you want to take a few minutes out to recharge your batteries
The Complete Old Testament (EN)
Christopher Glyn: The Old Testament is a collection of thirty-nine books about the history and religion of the people of Israel. The authors of these books are unknown, and each book possesses a unique tone, style, and message. Individually, they include stories, laws, a
Back Pain Relief (EN)
Randy Charach: Have back pain? Tried everything to get the relief you crave? Doctors and other therapists don’t appear to have the answer? “Do you remember the saying: ” That’s the straw that broke the camel’s back”? The implication of that saying can have a multi
Be Psychic (EN)
Randy Charach: Find out just how much psychic power you actually possess. The “Be Psychic” self-hypnosis program is “laser targeted” to develop and use your hidden psychic skills.
Play Better Golf (EN)
Randy Charach: How is your golf game? Would you like to improve and get your handicap down? Randy can help you to achieve this in the “Play Better Golf” self-hypnosis program.
Master Martial Arts (EN)
Randy Charach: You can become a martial arts master with this self-hypnosis program. Randy will help you focus on what is required to be the master you are longing to be.
Guided Relaxation (EN)
Randy Charach: With the pressures of modern daily-life, many of us have forgotten how to relax properly, yet relaxation can have many benefits for our health and wellbeing. As well as helping you to relax, this recording will help you deal with confusing situations in
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Goal Setting (EN)
Randy Charach: Do you have difficulty organizing your own life and developing your goals? This program will help you to develop these skills and set you on your way to achieving your goals.
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Konec manipulace
David Gruber: Tak jako by byl v oboru medicíny bombou univerzální lék na rakovinu, tak může být v oboru komunikační psychologie bombou univerzální lék na rakovinu mezilidských vztahů, na rakovinu mezilidské komunikace: Na manipulaci, na fake news, na arg
Pachuť smrti
P. D. Jamesová: V kostele jsou nalezena dvě mrtvá mužská těla s proříznutým hrdlem. Adam Dalgliesh řeší jeden z nejkomplikovanějších případů své kariéry. Komander Adam Dalgliesh je pověřen, aby velel novému policejnímu útvaru, který se zabývá
I have overcome my fears (EN)
Post Bellum,Andrea Bučko: In the audio documentary “I have overcome my fears” we are going to introduce to you three normal, but at the same time exceptional people who have overcome their fears and conquered their enemies: the enemies of prejudice, unfavorable political circu
Prekročil som svoj tieň
Post Bellum,Andrea Bučko: V dokumentárnej audioknihe „Prekročil som svoj tieň” vám predstavíme troch obyčajno – neobyčajných ľudí, ktorí prekročili svoj tieň. Tieň predsudkov, nepriaznivých politických okolností a tieň hľadania svojej vlastnej identity.
Biografie a texty
Trvalý záznam
Edward Snowden: Edward Snowden. Muž, ktorý odtajnil americký systém masového odpočúvania a sledovania verejnosti. Systém, ktorý sám pomáhal vybudovať. Dvadsaťdeväťročný Edward Snowden v roku 2013 šokoval svet, keď sa ako príslušník CIA a NSA rozi
Klasická literatúra
Dekameron – Den desátý
Giovanni Boccaccio: Klasická sbírka příběhů z dob florentského moru, které přežily svou dobu. Nad strastmi renesančního člověka vítězí naděje, důvtip a láska. Urozená společnost sedmi paní a tří pánů se před morovou nákazou uchýlí na venkovsk