Humor, satira
An Editor’s Tales (EN)
Anthony Trollope: “An Editor’s Tales” describes a series of encounters between various magazine editors and those who wish to have their works published. While containing some amusing bits, the tales are relatively grim compared to most Trollope stories. In “The Turkish
A Heart in Chains (Barbara Cartland’s Pink Collection 136) (EN)
Barbara Cartland: Since the death of her almost bankrupt father, the beautiful Andrea Clerefall has been reduced to the status of a drudge under the stern eye of her stepmother and her two unpleasant stepsisters. Her only friend is her late mother’s old Nanny, Hattie, w
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H2O a tajná vodní mise
Petr Stančík: Samá voda? Ne, přihořívá. A všem bude horko až za ušima! Hubert, Hugo a Ofélie ze ZŠ Evelíny Saturejkové v pražské čtvrti Kozibrady jsou v dobách panství internetu ještě natolik akční čtvrťáci, že mají smysl pro realitu a taky p
Ostravská mystéria
Marek Skřipský: Stará Ostrava ukrývá spoustu tajemství! Místní četníky nezaměstnávají jen podvodníčci a zloději. Temné uličky Moravské Ostravy, Vítkovic i přilehlých obcí se hemží podivnostmi. A z podivných poměrů vyrůstají i nevšední př
Biografie a texty
Poslední Lucemburk
Hana Whitton: Ladislav řečený Pohrobek se narodil čtyři měsíce po smrti svého otce Albrechta Habsburského a po smrti staršího bratra Jiřího se stal jediným dědicem české a uherské koruny. Přesto byl uherským králem nakonec zvolen polský Vladislav
Smrt nosí rudé škorně
Pavel Hrdlička: Děj historického dobrodružného románu s detektivní zápletkou se odehrává ve středověké Praze na podzim roku 1396. Hlavním hrdinou je Václav, podrychtář Starého Města pražského, který stojí před nesnadným úkolem: vypátrat vrahy m
Biografie a texty
Mengeleho děvče
Viola Stern Fischerová,Veronika Homolová Tóthová: Skutečné osudy mladé židovské Slovenky, která byla svědkem nejhorších osvětimských hrůz. Audiokniha popisuje její život v prvorepublikovém Lučenci, anexi Maďarskem a stále se zhoršující situaci Židů. Nakonec je Viola se svou rodin
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Kdo to nezná, není Čech
Jana Eislerová: Poznejte spolu s dětmi naši zemi v srdci Evropy. JAKÉ JSOU: Státní vlajka – Státní znak – Vlajka prezidenta republiky – Národní strom – Státní hymna – Korunovační klenoty KDO BYLI: Svatý Václav – Karel IV. jak vznikly Českoslo
Looking for Alice (EN)
Luna Miller: Gunvor Ström may be in her sixties, her hands might be too shaky to perform operations and her body complains every time she works out. But her mind is as sharp as her scalpel. After her divorce, she moved from a nice villa in an affluent area to an ap
Dragon World (EN)
Geraldine Allie: A young Spell Caster stands between the boundaries of the magical world, and the realm of dragons. Through a special bond formed from ancient magic and the life blood of the dragon, he will begin a quest that will be the beginning of a destiny that has a
Erotické romány
The Trial Voyage (EN)
Cupido And Others: There’s nothing like the fresh air in the mountains, waves lapping against the shore, the wind caressing your breast, the water touching your sex. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories:
Erotické romány
A Naughty Discovery (EN)
Cupido And Others: Sexy spice for established partners at home, in day-to-day life and escaping from work, house and kids. This is a collection of erotic short stories from Cupido. The collection contains the following stories: “There was one customer who often called her
Herr Arne’s Hoard (EN)
Selma Lagerlöf: “Herr Arne’s Hoard” is a 1904 novel by the Swedish writer Selma Lagerlöf. Its original Swedish title is “Herr Arnes penningar,” which means “Sir Arne’s money”. Set in Bohuslän in the 16th century, it tells the story of a group of Scottish mercenaries
Erotické romány
Cup Final (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
When He and She met Her (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
Daydreams (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
Baking Love (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
The wedding (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
Through the Camera Lens (EN)
Cupido And Others: Couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number. Whether you’re bored at home or enjoying a weekend away from work, home or the kids, there’s something here for everyone. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The col
Erotické romány
Double Talk (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Erotické romány
Just take me! (EN)
Cupido And Others: Long-term couples can spice up their sex life with this hot little number whether bored at home or on a weekend away from work, home, and the kids. This is an erotic short story collection from Cupido. The collection includes the following short stories
Kariéra, motivačná literatúra
Success (EN)
Matt Aitken Beaverbrook: 1922. The articles embodied in this audiobook were written during the pressure of many other affairs and without any idea that they could be published as a consistent whole. The author addresses himself to the young men of the new age. Those who have y
Erotické romány
Blood Bath (EN)
Michel Russell: “They both sucked with such wild abandonment, in a condom-free zone, fast, and forceful, that when they both reached their climax it was a release of such force and magnitude that they almost collapsed from sheer exhaustion. Braydie withdrew from the spe
Erotické romány
Cry Destiny (EN)
Michel Russell: A handsome 30-year-old gay Brit returns from over 10 years in the U. S. , where he became an award-winning fashion designer with a top fashion house. Scott Farrell has left behind his lover, a famous porn star, to spend Christmas with his lesbian friends