Inger Gammelgaard Madsen
A Strange Intrusion (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Audiobook A Strange Intrusion, written by Inger Gammelgaard Madsen. Uncover the chilling secrets that bind the past and present. When a remote country house near Trige in East Jutland becomes the scene of a deadly crime, Detective Roland Benito …
Death on Demand (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Audiobook Death on Demand written by Inger Gammelgaard Madsen. Unveil the darkness lurking beneath the surface. When two young boys make a gruesome discovery in a swamp outside a small Danish village, Detective Inspector Roland Benito and his …
The Cleaner (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram and his three friends have formed a small gang of thieves called The Ravens. He lives alone with his mom, who works as a waitress. He doesn´t remember his father much, as the latter was arrested for murder and sentenced to life imprisonment whe
Burning Guilt – Chapter 1 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Johan Boje, officer with the police force of Central and West Jutland, is killed by a hit-and-run driver in front of his house, during a late night in March. His boss, Axel Borg, is one of the first people at the crime scene and here, he realizes the bru
Burning Guilt – Chapter 2 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Liv Løkke works at Netto in Paderup, as a checkout girl. She hates the town, herself, her job, and her trivial life; and she barely has to look at the shoppers to know who they are. She knows most people in the neighborhood and their shopping habits.
Burning Guilt – Chapter 3 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Anne Larsen, journalist with TV2 East Jutland, is covering the case of the officer from Silkeborg who was seemingly hit and killed by a colleague in front of his home. Her interest is seriously piqued by a fire accident that he was secretly investigating
Burning Guilt – Chapter 4 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: The Independent Police Complaints Commission has no leads. But after interrogating Johan Boje’s wife and colleagues, Roland Benito is convinced the cop was not a faithful husband. The murderer may have had other motives than those they are working wit
Burning Guilt – Chapter 5 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Liv Løkke has nightmares, after the fire and her past were brought back to her present. She is contacted by Anne Larsen. The journalist has visited her brother, and she is so curious about what she wanted from him, that she reluctantly agrees to meet h
Burning Guilt – Chapter 6 (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: After working on a TV segment about an art exhibition opening in Randers, Anne Larsen decides to visit Liv Løkke and her brother. When she arrives at Liv’s address, she sees the door to her apartment is open, and she is afraid something happened to he
The Cleaner 6: Cleaning Up (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: The new information in the case makes Roland Benito re-examine the prison guard’s suicide. Now he knows for certain who Uwe Finch really is, and he decides to let Anne Larsen know. She was the one who obtained Uwe Finch’s fingerprint, and in the pas
The Cleaner 5: You’re Next (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Anne Larsen shows Roland a picture of Uwe Finch, and Roland recognises some of his features. Something about the eyes being so close together. But surely it cannot be the man it resembles, as he died years ago in a hotel fire. When a fingerprint determ
The Cleaner 4: New Leads (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Anne Larsen finds out that the dead defense attorney ended her career shortly after losing a case, and that her client, child murderer Patrick Asp, was sent to prison. The father of the defense attorney, himself a supreme court justice, has vanished with
The Cleaner 3: The Jacket (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram is afraid to go to the police and tell them what he found in the stolen jacket, as he is a wanted criminal and does not want anything to do with law enforcement. He tries calling anonymously one evening, while drunk and after smoking a couple of
The Cleaner 2: The Leap (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Roland Benito, who works for the Independent Police Grievance Unit, has been sent with his colleague to interrogate two police officers, who have responded to an emergency. A prison guard has leapt from his fourth-story window, just as the two officers a
The Cleaner 1: The List (EN)
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram and his three friends; Jack, Kasper and Felix, have just finished school, and have formed a small-time gang, calling themselves The Hawks. They work for The Handler, who pays them to do break-ins and steal expensive designer furniture, at the req
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram je spolu se třemi dalšími chlapci členem malého gangu. Říkají si Sokoli. Žije se svojí matkou, která pracuje jako servírka. Jeho otec byl před deseti lety odsouzen za vraždu a odpykává si doživotní trest. Bertramovi bylo v t
Uklízeč 4: Nové stopy
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Anne Larsenová zjistí, že právnička, která nedávno zemřela při autonehodě, ukončila kariéru po prohraném případu, kdy byl její klient Patrick Asp odsouzen na doživotí. Otec právničky, předseda Nejvyššího soudu, beze stopy zmizel.
Uklízeč 6: Úklid
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Nové informace v případech úmrtí zavedou Rolanda Benita zpátky k případu sebevraždy vězeňského dozorce. Teď ví naprosto jistě, kdo je Uwe Finch, a rozhodne se o tom povědět novinářce Anne Larsenové. Právě ona získala Uweho otisky
Uklízeč 5: Jsi na řadě
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Anne Larsenová ukáže Rolandovi fotografii Uweho Finche a Rolandovi je muž okamžitě povědomý. Jeho blízko u sebe posazené oči mu připadají známé. Muž, kterému je Uwe tolik podobný, ale zemřel před lety při požáru v hotelu. Pak se
Uklízeč 3: Bunda
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram se bojí jít na policii a říct jim, co našel v ukradené bundě, protože ho hledají za krádeže a on se chce vyhnout obvinění. Jeden večer se opilý pokusí dát policii anonymní tip, ale nikdo mu nevěří. Když Bertram později př
Uklízeč 2: Skok
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Roland Benito je detektiv z Oddělení kontroly a stížností, který spolu se svým kolegou vyslýchá dva strážníky, kteří byli přítomní u případu. Vězeňský dozorčí skočil okna svého bytu ve čtvrtém patře právě ve chvíli, kdy st
Uklízeč 1: Seznam
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Bertram a jeho tři přátelé, Jack, Kasper a Felix, právě dokončili základní školu a vytvořili malý gang; říkají si Sokoli. Pracují pro Handlera, který jim platí za vloupání a krádeže drahého nábytku na zakázku Handlerových klient
Spalující vina
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Policistu z Jutlandu, Johana Boje, jedné březnové noci srazí před jeho domem neznámé auto. Na místo činu dorazí mezi prvními jeho šéf, Axel Borg. Brzy se zjistí, že nejde o nehodu, ale brutální vraždu. Devítiletý syn zemřelého mu
Spalující vina – Díl 6
Inger Gammelgaard Madsen: Po tom, co Anne Larsenová pracovala na reportáži o výstavě umění, která má být otevřena v Randers, rozhodne se Liv Løkkeovou a jejího bratra navštívit. Když dorazí k Liv, dveře jejího bytu jsou otevřené, a Anna se obává, že se jí